Sunday, July 12, 2009

second attempt at blog :)

hey guys :) im pretty sure no one reads my blog other than me.. haha :P well only carrie has seen my last fail blog when i was in yr 7 and my true nubness was shown ==" so its a new year.. well halfway through a new year :P and i'm in yr 8 this year! that means a lot of changes; u know the usual that goes on in a teenagers life- the boys, the friendships, the school marks :O etc. so lets hope my second attempt at a blog does not epic fail like last time ==" (neglected after one post.) さようなら (sayoonara) for now! [and yes i am learning japanese at school.. hehe :)] ps. DBSK are sexy beasts ;) & Super Junior are okay pretty cool (Y)


supdudley said...

cough cough super junior are SEX GODS ;)

manlok96 said...

sex gods my ass :P

Good Love said...


manlok96 said...

nubness is cooler than noobness =P