Sunday, February 28, 2010

school anyone ? -not me-

It's been so long since I've posted. 2 weeks i think. WELL it's the end of February, and before I move on, I'd like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PRISCILLA!!! for the 26th feb :) Happy birthday young one (even though you're older than me). OH and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NITA!! who's birthday was on the 16th of feb !

Okay well now, onto more unhappy things. S.C.H.O.O.L. Ugh kill me. Year 9 is so different to yr 8. So much more hw, and more stress. BUT I know I shouldn't be complaining. Yr 9 should be nothing compared to yr 11 and 12. :( Because of being able to pick your own electives, I now have more major subjects to stress over. Maths, english, science, japanese, textiles, elective history. And then comes all the other subjects which are meant to be fun e.g. PE. But they give us a bloody assessment and makes it sound oh-so-important! So much for "fun"!

Okay enough of my ramblings about school. On another note, bball is going.. okayish. I have to admit, it's not fun to lose, but I guess all this means is that we get better. Being in div 1 isn't the most exciting thing ever. It just means that we have to work heaps harder.

Chinese New Years is pretty much over, which is cool. Holidays are ALMOST here, can you believe theres only 4 more weeks until the end of term? wow, this term has sure flown by quickly. I still remember the first day of school, and even when I was in hk! wow. amazing. yay I can't wait for winter. eheheh. I love winter. It's so nice and cold. :)

Anyways, signing off now. Let's hope my lazy co-writer will post something sooner or later :P