Friday, July 31, 2009


OMH WE WON!! lol yay finally :D smashed the other team 16-30 :D good game

now we can't be too full of ourselves or else we might lose all our other games... :S so we have to keep doing our best :D

so long my faithful readers (if there are any LOL)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


ahahah so first week of term is almost over. but what awaits tmrw before the weekends is the FIRST BBALL GAME OF SEASON!!! YEAHHH BROOOOOO :) WE WILL PWN THE OTHER TEAM. AND THE DIV. HOPEFULLY. HEHEHEHEEH

ok so i gues losing one or 2 games is okay... but we've vsed this team before.. .and we've beat them!! so we can do it again!! we just all need to concentrate and not do any silly mistakes... or else that will cost us the game.... :(

ok so there isnt much to say but wow term 3 is really packed! omh im getting my nsg hoodie tmrw!! so excited!! and i'm starting hip hop classes tmrw!! EXCITING!!! :DDDDDDDDDD

I think i'm no posting high... lol anyways... everyone shall have to wait and see whether or not we won!!! :D tootles!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sims3 & BBALL


So a little ott, but i'm sooo excited because i LOVE sims. it is sooo cool. and im gonna try and search the net to find a way to burn the disc.... hmmmm i just need to find a disc large enuff.. then i might..... heheheheeh


But one good thing about this div... we will OWN everyone... hopefully... i really wanna win.. so we can get the trophies this season.. ehheheheeheheheh

school started today.. it was heaps cool (Y) but my internet is still killing me so hopefully tomoor, when it starts again, i wont be as angry at my internet anymre... heheheheh :D

Friday, July 24, 2009

Holidays are fun :)


oh wellsies. i get to shop for bball shorts tomoro. OMH i must tell about our EXCELLENT day at macquarie center when we "watched" drag me to hell. ok so its a long story so bear with me.

The day started with me going on the train in the morning. It took about 1 hour and 15 mins. which is ok. omh the chatswood to epping trains are sooo nice and new. i sat there reading harry potter ^_^ heheheh best train ride. well only from chats to epping coz it was so nice and empty. wow i never knew a train could only have 4 cars. thats so cool (Y)

ok so i got to macquarie uni station. and i go out the ticket gates hoping to wait there for amy. its so big and empty its really scary. so sitting next to the ticket gates was this random hobo in the roadworkish clothes (bright yellow). and i was looking at him for like 5 seconds coz i happened to turn my head that way. then he starts talking to me. i'm not sure what he said but he said something and it was obviously to me coz i was the only person there. so i got freaked out and left.

So after that event i decided to change the waiting spot for amy and went out of the station. After about 5-10 minutes amy arrived and we walked to macquarie center (which btw was right next to the station ==" what a nub i am for saying i dont know how to get there)

ANYWAYS! we get there and wait for everyone else. by 11:45, everyone had arrived and we lined up for tickets. we had an id which stated that one of us was at least 15 years old (not our ids tho. we had a little help from a sister :P) and we went to the desk when we got called up. so we asked for 6 tickets to the movie "Drag me to hell". he asked for id and we showed him one of our id's (the borrowed sisters id)

Normally if one person in ur group is over the age of 15 then you're permitted into the movie. HOWEVER this GREATER UNION AT MACQUARIE CENTER, asked for all our id's. so we were left standing there, dumbfounded and hepless. we discussed for ages about what to do and even tried asking another person at the desk. but still no luck. we ended up watching ice age 3 ==" i guess it wasnt that bad. but it wasn't the best movie out there.

so after the movie, we had to say goodbye to jenny, then we went to buy lunch and i bought a tropical baked potatoe. After lunch, monique had to leave so we said goodbye to her. Then began my harry potter and the order of the phoenix dvd hunt! We went to ALL the shops in Macquarie center that could possibly sell the dvd but NO LUCK. NOT A SINGLE OF THEM had the movie. which was really gay. but it was lots of fun looking around the shops. Big W was the best coz me and penny starting a hide and seek game with carrie and amy. now we ddnt intend to start that game. it just happened.

so i'm guessing we spent at least 30 minutes in Big W trying to find and run away from amy and carrie. It was all fun. And then at around 4ish we bought easyway and had to bid farewell. Then i jumped on my train, all alone again and read harry potter all the way home.

so from that day on, i will never step foot in macquarie center greater union ever again. as it is a horrible horrible cinema that is sooo cruel. even tho we're not suppossed to go in. but STILL!!! i mean cmon, who hasn't faked their id to get into a movie. srsly. i betcha everyone teenager has. HOYTS ALL THE WAY MAN. ok thats all for today. my extra long post has hopefully made up for 2 days worth of posting :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the M word

OMH. I AM DOWNLOADING THE "M" WORD. for those who dont know what the "m" word is.. it's MAPLESTORY. i dont know how to play so i'll be sooo noob ==" oh well. it will be fun wasting my time on a pointless game. muahhahahah :P but it's taking ages to install... -_-

OMH DRAG ME TO HELL TOMOROO!!! thats if its still on... i have no idea what time to meet or whatever... :S let's see how it goes... hahahahh :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bored. again

so bored. holidays are almost over. well theres one more week but thats not long. and i ceebs to finish english work... aish. next term will be horrible. all the competitions, the westpac, chem quiz etc. arghh fml ==" i'll probably just read harry potter all day coz i ceebs to do anything else. internet usage is almost up -_- which sux. so i can only go on the computer in the morning when it's off peak. ahh i ceebs to write anymore. i betcha i'll neglet my blog after the holidays. HAHAAHHAH :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Clothes hunt

heeheehee i bought heaps of stuff at dfo :) went past my $100 limit by $17... woopsies :) i almost bought everything on my list...

*ugg boots- no

*long sleeve grey jacket thing (cotton on cardigan)- yeah

*black and denim vest- no but i was gonna buy a black vest.. but decided not to

*plain long sleeve t's from cotton on or esprit/long sleeve t's- yeah (but they were short sleeve =x

*hoodies (big/baggy)- yeah 2

*BELT! -no

*SCARF!!!- no

*short sleeve jacket -no

*skinny jeans- COLOURS!!!!-no I SAW THEM THO!! just not allowed to buy :(

but i also bought one pair of flats!!! YAY!!! new flats!!! for $10 from Cotton On!! wooohooo lol

Sunday, July 19, 2009


omh yay dfo today :) teehee. hopefully i'll buy all the things i wanted to buy. or else it will be disapointing :( lol. I'm going to make this a short post coz i don't really know what to say. It's 10:45 in the morning, and i'm rewatchng iswak. hahah this is my life in the morning. sleep. wake up. drama till 12. then stop. I have such a cool life don't i ;) i hope i can finish reading the whole harry potter series by the end of the holidays.. that would be awesome (Y)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

my harry potter obsession

omh i feel so lazy. today, me and my brother watched harry potter and the chamber of secrets + harry potter and the goblet of fire. I LOVE HARRY POTTER NOW!! :) such a good book series ^_^ need to buy harry potter 3 and 5 as well ==" in other words... MUST BUY ALL THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES THAT I DONT ALREADY HAVE THAT ARE ALREADY OUT :) and if u cant tell, i have a harry potter obsession once again :D

made cupcakes again. they look waaayyy prettier this time, but they dont taste as good. wasnt sugary enuff -_-

OMH DFO TOMOROW!!!! yay :) can't wait. hehehehehe arrghh i hate internet usage ==" we're almost capped. which is soooo annoying. so i cant use the internet that much after 12 pm or else we'll go over usage and then we dont get our off peak usage ==" (lol yeah i sound geeky)

hmmmmm... one more week of holidays left. i still haven't finished english. nor have i finished dt. and i still need to finish completing the pages in jap workbook that we need to do. and don't forget revising for maths.

i feel so bad. i haven't touched my piano or clarinet since school finished. eeeeek >.<>

well that's all for now. seeya nubs :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

needles :S

ouch. i got a flu vaccination today. it hurt like hell!! now i'm feeling so tired and trashed ==" i was going to make cupcakes to take my mind off feeling trashy... but then i found out the caster sugar ran out ==" oh well we can make them tomoro ^^

i ceebs blogging now... hahah i knew this was gonna happen. but i'll try and force myself as much as i can :) OMH I AM SO ANGRY. NO DVD SHOPS IN HURSTVILLE HAVE THE DRAMA "WHO ARE YOU" AISH!!!! that means i'll have to wait till tuesday so my sister can buy it -_-. that means i need to wait 4 more days. =_______________=

BUT..... DFO ON SUNDAY!! possibly... hopefully... :D ahh nsba stil hasnt posted up next seasons draw... so slowwww :( i hope i can buy my bball shorts next monday...hmm need to buy carrie's as well (Y)

ok time to go back to my sad internet life of going through soompi hairstyle thread ;) GOODBYE NOOOOBS :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


ok so i watched harry potter and the half blooded prince today. i have to admit, it was kinda disappointing; not as good as i thought. But i guess for those who haven't read the book, it was pretty good :) it was actually really suspenseful at times, but it could've had more.... oomph(?) to it. It was kinda slow. But OMH IT WAS SOOO SAD WHEN DUMBLEDORE CRIED!!! i was actually on the verge of tears :( well maybe coz im pmsing but aahahah still. it almost worked on me.

I'm really annoyed. but i won't say why. coz that's just plain bitchy. But srsly, some people should think about other's feelings before they open their mouth. they have no idea how much it can hurt someone just by saying small things that they dont think matters. AISHIES. *breathe in* *breathe out* ok.

so on a lighter note. yay on the way to chats station we bought takoyaki balls. mmmm yumm :) omh i went to the korean disc shop in chats that a friend was telling me about and i ACTUALLY saw DBSK albums :O but they are sooo expensive!!!!! i think i'll just buy them in hong kong... :)

i didn't get to buy basketball shorts today. oh well id rather go with my mum later to buy it. less comments from other people that i don't want to hear =="

ok thats it for now. ciao young ones!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

無聊 aka BORED

i am so bored that i'm going to type in chinese.

你好我叫黃文樂. 我現在真的很無聊阿. 救命阿~~~~~. 哈哈哈哈哈....你知不知道我現在無聊到想死了!

ok since i'm so bored i'm going to make up a random story in chinese.

很久以前有一個小孩子叫 Mary. 她是一個很不開心的女孩子. 人們都說她很可憐. 她沒有爸媽, 沒有兄弟姊妹. 沒有人知道 Mary 到底在想什麼.

終於有一天, 一個很帥的男孩子出現! Mary 一看到他就變了開開心心. 她知道這個男孩子是她的白馬王子!


但是這個 「白馬王子」 一看到 Mary 就知道他絕對不可能會喜歡她.不過 Mary 是不會放棄的! 大家都幫她加油!結果呢? Mary 終於得到她的白馬王子.

THE END!!!!!

That was such a lame ass story.. srsly ==" lol


i am so bored, i'm on stardoll. hahahah its actually a really fun game. played it since i was in yr 2 :)

bored bored bored

omh i am sooo bored :( there's like no one on msn ==" the only thing i can look forward to is harry potter tomoro and buying bball shorts and HOPEFULLY buying a new kdrama "Who Are You"... i hope its a good drama :)

yay movie plans for next thurs as well... watching the scary movie drag me to hell :O omh its gonna be soo good hehehe :)

the only things keeping me from dying from boredom are and... other random blogs :P i am such a sad child. oh well at least im not as sad as those people who spend hours playing MAPLE STORY

ok so it's a short post today. tootles young ones!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Let's go on a posting roll!!! :)

hmm ok lets see if i can manage to post here every single day of the holidays. let's see if i'm actually bothered =P. Rewatching dramas is so fun... ahh i can't wait to buy a new kdrama :) yay i'm going out on thursday to watch harry potter at chatswood!!!!! :D it's gonna be soo much fun. plus i'm buying bball shorts that day as well hehehe :) well i've been so bored that I even made a list of what i want to buy at dfo :P

*ugg boots

*long sleeve grey jacket thing (cotton on cardigan)

*black and denim vest

*plain long sleeve t's from cotton on or esprit/long sleeve t's

*hoodies (big/baggy)



*short sleeve jacket

*skinny jeans- COLOURS!!!!

hmm i think that's all. omh i need to clean my room today. and vacuum the whole house. and mop the floor. oh KILL ME ALREADY ==" and no omh was not a typo. its my new word instead of omg :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

webcamming in the morning

yay webcamming in the holidays... lol this is how bored we can get :) click on picture for bigger image :)
omg my eyes look so asian here HAHAHA

hahaha carrie with her breakfast. gosh she has no manners. srsly =P

Sunday, July 12, 2009

holidays + my ramblings

So its 11:30pm and i'm supposed to be sleeping but obviously i'm not. Tomorrow will be the official start of the holidays and you know what that means?- cleaning, msn, fb, movies, city, chatswood, and some unfinished school work.

My holiday plans seem pretty normal.. right? :) oh yeah i was planning on getting a haircut, but i realised i wanted to grow my hair out LONGER then i can get a nicer haircut :D

AHHH i cant wait to go dfo. all this talking with carrie about dfo has made me want to go. and hopefully i'll make a visit soonish :) i've even made a shopping list of clothes i wanna buy! that's how desperate i am! heheheh

oh one more thing. must finish english. hehe. can't wait for harry potter to come out as well. HARRY POTTER>TWILIGHT!!! twilight is so overrated. srsly. oooh edward cullen is so hot. oh he's a vampire!! oh oh oh!!! SO WHAT. gosh.

Harry potter is sooo much better. even the movies are better. even the ACTORS are better.

see you later twilight obsessed nubs! forever know that harry potter will always be better!! :P

second attempt at blog :)

hey guys :) im pretty sure no one reads my blog other than me.. haha :P well only carrie has seen my last fail blog when i was in yr 7 and my true nubness was shown ==" so its a new year.. well halfway through a new year :P and i'm in yr 8 this year! that means a lot of changes; u know the usual that goes on in a teenagers life- the boys, the friendships, the school marks :O etc. so lets hope my second attempt at a blog does not epic fail like last time ==" (neglected after one post.) さようなら (sayoonara) for now! [and yes i am learning japanese at school.. hehe :)] ps. DBSK are sexy beasts ;) & Super Junior are okay pretty cool (Y)