Thursday, July 16, 2009


ok so i watched harry potter and the half blooded prince today. i have to admit, it was kinda disappointing; not as good as i thought. But i guess for those who haven't read the book, it was pretty good :) it was actually really suspenseful at times, but it could've had more.... oomph(?) to it. It was kinda slow. But OMH IT WAS SOOO SAD WHEN DUMBLEDORE CRIED!!! i was actually on the verge of tears :( well maybe coz im pmsing but aahahah still. it almost worked on me.

I'm really annoyed. but i won't say why. coz that's just plain bitchy. But srsly, some people should think about other's feelings before they open their mouth. they have no idea how much it can hurt someone just by saying small things that they dont think matters. AISHIES. *breathe in* *breathe out* ok.

so on a lighter note. yay on the way to chats station we bought takoyaki balls. mmmm yumm :) omh i went to the korean disc shop in chats that a friend was telling me about and i ACTUALLY saw DBSK albums :O but they are sooo expensive!!!!! i think i'll just buy them in hong kong... :)

i didn't get to buy basketball shorts today. oh well id rather go with my mum later to buy it. less comments from other people that i don't want to hear =="

ok thats it for now. ciao young ones!!!


Unknown said...

ok wat did i miss?!?! i dont watch a movie with u guys and someone becomes a bitch lol and manny i might be just be (and it surely isnt :P)but i could of sworn that it was harry potter and half-blood prince NOT half blooded :P hahah

manlok96 said...

no ones a bitch. im pmsing. :D

Unknown said...

ohh so ur the bitch
and u got the name of the newest hp movie wrong *tut tut* :P

manlok96 said...

lol yes jenny.. im the btich... HAHAHAHAH PFFTTTTT same thing :P

Unknown said...

no it isnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it SO isnt like duh EVERYONE noes its half-blood not half blooded u even 4got the hyphen :)