Friday, July 24, 2009

Holidays are fun :)


oh wellsies. i get to shop for bball shorts tomoro. OMH i must tell about our EXCELLENT day at macquarie center when we "watched" drag me to hell. ok so its a long story so bear with me.

The day started with me going on the train in the morning. It took about 1 hour and 15 mins. which is ok. omh the chatswood to epping trains are sooo nice and new. i sat there reading harry potter ^_^ heheheh best train ride. well only from chats to epping coz it was so nice and empty. wow i never knew a train could only have 4 cars. thats so cool (Y)

ok so i got to macquarie uni station. and i go out the ticket gates hoping to wait there for amy. its so big and empty its really scary. so sitting next to the ticket gates was this random hobo in the roadworkish clothes (bright yellow). and i was looking at him for like 5 seconds coz i happened to turn my head that way. then he starts talking to me. i'm not sure what he said but he said something and it was obviously to me coz i was the only person there. so i got freaked out and left.

So after that event i decided to change the waiting spot for amy and went out of the station. After about 5-10 minutes amy arrived and we walked to macquarie center (which btw was right next to the station ==" what a nub i am for saying i dont know how to get there)

ANYWAYS! we get there and wait for everyone else. by 11:45, everyone had arrived and we lined up for tickets. we had an id which stated that one of us was at least 15 years old (not our ids tho. we had a little help from a sister :P) and we went to the desk when we got called up. so we asked for 6 tickets to the movie "Drag me to hell". he asked for id and we showed him one of our id's (the borrowed sisters id)

Normally if one person in ur group is over the age of 15 then you're permitted into the movie. HOWEVER this GREATER UNION AT MACQUARIE CENTER, asked for all our id's. so we were left standing there, dumbfounded and hepless. we discussed for ages about what to do and even tried asking another person at the desk. but still no luck. we ended up watching ice age 3 ==" i guess it wasnt that bad. but it wasn't the best movie out there.

so after the movie, we had to say goodbye to jenny, then we went to buy lunch and i bought a tropical baked potatoe. After lunch, monique had to leave so we said goodbye to her. Then began my harry potter and the order of the phoenix dvd hunt! We went to ALL the shops in Macquarie center that could possibly sell the dvd but NO LUCK. NOT A SINGLE OF THEM had the movie. which was really gay. but it was lots of fun looking around the shops. Big W was the best coz me and penny starting a hide and seek game with carrie and amy. now we ddnt intend to start that game. it just happened.

so i'm guessing we spent at least 30 minutes in Big W trying to find and run away from amy and carrie. It was all fun. And then at around 4ish we bought easyway and had to bid farewell. Then i jumped on my train, all alone again and read harry potter all the way home.

so from that day on, i will never step foot in macquarie center greater union ever again. as it is a horrible horrible cinema that is sooo cruel. even tho we're not suppossed to go in. but STILL!!! i mean cmon, who hasn't faked their id to get into a movie. srsly. i betcha everyone teenager has. HOYTS ALL THE WAY MAN. ok thats all for today. my extra long post has hopefully made up for 2 days worth of posting :)


supdudley said...

LMAO GREAT POST! everything is so true... XD