Sunday, January 31, 2010

I forgot to write a title. LOL!

Hello. Well as you can see, this blog has a new layout! Yay!! What do you think? Nice? Or not? Hmmm well supdudley should be at home by now seeing as she finishes coaching at 1. Hahahahahah she goes coaching!!!! Asian much!!! Lol!!!! I wonder how her first day went :O

How exciting is it? I'm typing this post on my touch! Lol.... Not really that exciting... Anyways I have to go to clarinet tutorials in like 20 min which is gay. Sigh. I think I might quit clarinet after this year.. I just fully ceebs with it but I doubt my parents will let me quit :(

Anyways! How is everyone? I'm having a really bad couple of days and I feel like im gonna rage anytime soon.... Rawr (ew) lol. I've been posting quite a lot these days... I used to be like fully ceebs but now I'm like Zomg! I need to post something everyday! Haha okay well school tomorrow :( boo that sucks. But I get to look forward to training on Tuesday, ISCF on Wednesday, and basketball on Friday! Yay! Those things are like the only good thongs about school... Everything else is just yuk. Oh and I start marking on Tuesday. Yummmm money $$$$

Cya bros ;)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

PAYBACK! or not

Okay so it's a tad bit obvious that my co-writer is a bit delusional... just a TAD! ;) She's talking about complete nonesense... i mean why did she bring up that person? TCH (LOL)! Well, as I type this post, I'm being a fatty and eating a packet of Nestle Chocolate Bites. ZOMG THEY ARE SO NICE AND ADDICTIVE!
Um, well I don't really having much to say except, BBALL STARTS THIS WEEK ZOMG! Be prepared to get owned. :L
Since my co-writer loves ending her posts with pictures, I have decided to end with a picture.. which brings back lot's of memories.

The smudged face has been smudged for privacy reasons and the circled face has been circled for uh... amusement :L
P.S. supdudley, this is payback. JOKES! *cough*

Friday, January 29, 2010

Headline: Crap Author's Retirement Post (fake)

Ahheh, we dont need a blast to the past. We're in 2010, and should enjoy the time we have now, because its YEAR 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I mean seriously what is that lachlan thinking? Sometimes she should stop thinking about dawen. LOL. I'm joking and if you see this, uh....... it was the cat) My first day of school with lachlan and amy in my class was pretty enjoyable, as I have never had them in my class before, and yeah, it was pretty interesting, I probably don't even make sense now, due to the overexcessive, use, of the, comma, and my sentence, is, way, to,o,l,ong,,,

Scrap that.

HELLO MY FRIENDS!! What exactly have you been up to??? I am doing mathsyour mum!!! HAHAHAH lame. Oh why are lachlans posts soooo long? Even I don't write posts that long.. unless it was the holidays and I was extremely bored to death. I am so jealous of her.... Sorry I'm not even making sense here its 10:30 *REALLY LATE. YEAH.* and I think I should be in bed. I am such a crap author :(:(

So I should really end it now.
Maybe I'll pack and quit this job.
Boo hoo.

This picture is my... retirement letter

Blast to the Past

Wow. School started today and I finally saw all the new "newbie" year 7s. It really reminds me of my first few days of high school when I was in year 7; it's already been 2 years since those days. Time has gone by OH SO QUICKLY! Seeing all the year 7s introduce each other and then sitting in massive groups of like 20, and the occasional loner year 7 (they'll make awesome, unforgettable friends soon) reminds me so much of when I was in year 7. I can't imagine what the next 4 years of my high school life is going to be like :O

Well, when you think first day of the school year, you usually think: YES BLUDGE DAY! Being the typical high school student I am, i was obviously wrong. With double history, maths and pe on my timetable for the day, I knew it was NOT going to be easy. Lot's of work was done during history, I almost got skin cancer from the sun going through the window while i was writing down pages of info T_T Math's was okay, except for the new teacher not letting us sit next to each other and instead, made us sit in alphabetical order; talk about O-M-G T_T_T_T_T_T PE was fun yet extremely hot, trust me, you do NOT want to learn to dance Salsa in summer. I sweated like a mad cow (is sweated even a word? lol I have no idea).

Onto a more happy thought, YAY IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! AHHAHA yeah it's pretty absurd that we go back to one day of school and it's the weekend already. That's it! Week 1, DONE! OVER! LOL! Now, usually at this time of the day on this day of the week, I would be down at Willoughby or Crows Nest, playing basketball. But unfortunately, basketball doesn't start until next week which is extremely sad.
I forgot to mention, I AM BACK FROM HONG KONG!.... well obviously LOL. BUT! I bought lots and lots of stuff in Hong Kong, including a few things for friends :) I also bought a lot of clothes.. for.. myself :P I absolutely LOVE Hong Kong. I wanted to buy a I ♥ HK shirt, but sadly, I was too chicken to walk into the "Gai See Pow Tows" and ask for one :L I also got 2 big purchases in Hong Kong, and by big, oh boy do I mean big (moneywise); a 32gb Apple Itouch, and a pair of Nike Hyperize Basketball Shoes. Luckily, the basketball shoes were a gift, or else I'd be seriously broke :L But the UNFORTUNATE thing is, is that I have to take my touch to an Apple store next friday, and get help with some connection problem with my applications T_T Which is OH SO ANNOYING!

One more thing I need to do, is welcome a new author to my blog! Yes that's right, CARRIE a.k.a. supdudley. As many of you have read from her previous post, yes I am too ceebs with this blog and have decided to get some help from a friend :L But I doubt we'll get that far.. coz w'ere both quite the ceeber... hahahah. Oh well, it's fun at times to share memories and stuff that's happening on this blog ONCE IN A WHILE. :D

LAST THING! has listed NORTH SYDNEY GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL AS 2ND PLACE OVERALL IN HIGH SCHOOL RANKING YES! This does redeem our poor hsc results- 6th place damnit T_T Well, ciao for now my friends as I go on a journey of salsa and intense basketball for '10 (it's so weird saying that :L)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Woopee!! First post for 2010! As you can see, Stand By You ♥ wishes to announce that we now have a new author, CARRIE!!!! (also known as supdudley) (It's really because Man Lok can't be effed to care about this blog anymore. So I'm taking over. LOL. Not really actually I don't even know if I can be bothered with mine either) So here I am, pretty much invading her blog. She doesn't really care. Oh well, point is that I will be co-writing this blog and sharing fun and hilarious memories or times with MANLOKKY! (nicknamed lachlan by me) 

So yeahhhhhhs. Awesome. There's not much to write but since it is the first post of the year, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe new year!! And a safe holiday, but theres not much left since tomorrow is the first day of school. YAY!!! (I mean nooo!!) Hahaha. Me and lachlan have very fun times together, and since we cant meet up very often in real life IN THE HOLIDAYS, pretty much the most convenient and best way to communicate is via MSN. Yes, we do talk ALOT, so it's pretty cool. We actually talk everyday every morning and night... like non-stop unless one or both of us has something on. Which is.... rare.

I think I should stop blabbering about me and lachlan. Hmmmm, we are recently on hating terms with Amy. LOL KIDDING!!! I LOVE HERRR!!! WE LOVE HER!!! Oh yes we do.

This is the most I've written today so lets say bye with!!! ---

PS. Just on a random note that when I was uploading this picture it was previewing, as it was quite a large picture my bro was coming in the room and I was scared shitless