Wednesday, July 15, 2009

無聊 aka BORED

i am so bored that i'm going to type in chinese.

你好我叫黃文樂. 我現在真的很無聊阿. 救命阿~~~~~. 哈哈哈哈哈....你知不知道我現在無聊到想死了!

ok since i'm so bored i'm going to make up a random story in chinese.

很久以前有一個小孩子叫 Mary. 她是一個很不開心的女孩子. 人們都說她很可憐. 她沒有爸媽, 沒有兄弟姊妹. 沒有人知道 Mary 到底在想什麼.

終於有一天, 一個很帥的男孩子出現! Mary 一看到他就變了開開心心. 她知道這個男孩子是她的白馬王子!


但是這個 「白馬王子」 一看到 Mary 就知道他絕對不可能會喜歡她.不過 Mary 是不會放棄的! 大家都幫她加油!結果呢? Mary 終於得到她的白馬王子.

THE END!!!!!

That was such a lame ass story.. srsly ==" lol


Unknown said...

omg manny i see uve updated ur blog lol u lame-o

manlok96 said...

lol. which jen is this?

Unknown said...

who do u think?

Unknown said...

btw yes that story was SO cheesy i only noe a bit cuz i google translated it lol and google screwed it up it was like :
Hello, I am music叫黄text. I am really bored now Afghanistan. ~~~~~. Help the Arab-Israeli哈哈哈哈哈. . . . Do you know that I now would like to be dead boring!
A long time ago to have a child named Mary. She was a very happy girl. It is said that she was very poor. She did not have parents, brothers and sisters did not. No one knows what in the end Mary.

Finally one day, appeared a very handsome boy! Mary saw he changed hearts. She knew that this boy is her Prince Charming! (that bit was alright)

But the "Prince Charming" Mary saw absolutely impossible that he will like her. But Mary is not going to give up! We all help her Come on! Result? Mary finally get her Prince Charming.(lame)

manlok96 said...

ah so it is jenny the LOSER. bahahahaa jks

manlok96 said...

my story owned. not. lol and the translation is so CRAP!!! hahahah afghanistan? lol

Unknown said...

OH YOU BITCH!!!!! lol nah i love you not

Unknown said...

i reckon i was like whose this afghanistan u talking about????

supdudley said...


I bet you 290358029$ monopoly money thats a real life story with you and dawen. Oh yeah.